Install Xvnc on Xen 3.1 SXDE 76 DomU at CentOS 5 Dom0 (64 bit)
It is high time that Solaris ships with a supported Xvnc binary. VNC is a widely-used remote desktop protocol and standard. Currently, Solaris users who wish to start a vnc server from the command line must seek out and download or compile their own binary from a 3rd party such as RealVNC, TightVNC, or UltraVNC.
Instead of integrating a 3rd party open source implementation based on outdated or insecure Xserver bits, we should leverage our own Xorg source and modify an existing Xorg VNC patch as needed.
Test these three common ways of configuring Xvnc to run:
1) Starting on demand from inetd, displaying dtlogin login screen:
# Enable XDMCP connections on dtlogin by removing "-udpport 0" from args
# Warning: restart will kill all current dtlogin sessions!
svccfg -s cde-login setprop 'dtlogin/args=""'
svcadm restart cde-login
# Add xvnc service to /etc/services if it isn't already
printf "vnc-server\t5900/tcp\t\t\t# VNC Server\n" >> /etc/services
# Enable Xvnc inetd service:
inetadm -e xvnc-inetd
Connect from another machine with:
vncviewer hostname:0
and verify you see the login screen and can login to a desktop session.
2) Starting at system boot from dtlogin, displaying dtlogin login screen:
# Add a display1 instance of x11-server service for configuration
# and configure it to run Xvnc
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server add display1
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server:display1 addpg options application
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server:display1 addpropvalue options/server astring: "/usr/X11/bin/Xvnc"
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server:display1 addpropvalue options/server_args astring: '"SecurityTypes=None"'
# Configure dtlogin to start it
mkdir -p /etc/dt/config
cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers
echo " :1 Local local_uid@none root /usr/X11/bin/Xserver :1" >> /etc/dt/config/Xservers
pkill -HUP dtlogin
Connect from another machine with:
vncviewer hostname:1
and verify you see the login screen and can login to a desktop session.
3) Starting manually, displaying session of user who started it, requiring
VNC password (separate from Unix login password, not securely encoded on
disk or across the network, so don't use a valuable password):
/usr/bin/vncserver -httpd
From another machine, open a web browser and go to
(Assuming vncserver said it was starting on display :2 - if it listed
another display number, change :5802 to 5800 + the display id.)
Enter the password you provided to the vncserver script when it asked
and verify you see a simple desktop session in the viewer
Written by Alan Coopersmith (10/17/2007)
First set of instructions has been reproduced on SXDE 76 DomU at CentOS 5.0 Dom0
# svccfg -s cde-login setprop 'dtlogin/args=""'
# svcadm restart cde-login
# printf "vnc-server\t5900/tcp\t\t\t# VNC Server\n" >> /etc/services
# inetadm -e xvnc-inetd
Command "vncviewer <IP-address of Solaris DomU>:0" was issued from Linux Dom0 side.
Several snapshots follow bellow:-

Second set of instructions was reproduced as well:-

Sun Xvnc implementation on SXDE 76 DomU at SXDE 76 Dom0.
First option:-

Second option:-

VNC connections from remote Linux box for first option:-

VNC connections from remote Linux box for second option:-
