Qemu-kvm 0.15.1 & Spice(0.10.0) & Libvirt 0.9.7-2 USB Redirection support for Ubuntu Precise and Oneiric
Update on 11/29/2011 . View also build based on Qemu-kvm-1.0-rc2
$ gir clone git://people.freedesktop.org/~jwrdegoede/qemu
$ cd qemu
$ git checkout -B qemu-kvm-1.0-usbredir origin/qemu-kvm-1.0-usbredir
$ cp -R qemu qemu-kvm-1.0-usbredir
Libusb build is based on git://git.libusb.org/libusb.git - 1.0.9-rc1
libusb-1.0.9-rc1 release candidate
Qemu-kvm 1.0 & Spice 0.10.0 & Spice-Gtk-0.7.81 USB redirection for Ubuntu Precise (v.6)
Following bellow is attempt to reproduce Hans de Goede blog entry at http://planet.spice-space.org/ on Ubuntu 12.04 and 11.10 with intend to build Qemu-kvm 0.15.1 with usb redirection network support per http://planet.spice-space.org/ via git repository git://people.freedesktop.org/~jwrdegoede/qemu.
Qemu-kvm 0.15.1 has been patched via top 28 commits from
Patches set for debian build may be generated as follows :
$ git clone git://people.freedesktop.org/~jwrdegoede/qemu
$ cd qemu
$ git checkout -B qemu-kvm-0.15.0-usbredir origin/qemu-kvm-0.15.0-usbredir
$ mkdir -p /tmp/patches
$ git format-patch -M -C –output-directory \
/tmp/patches ea2798c1ebe0c12d5feb7d7471a999ea0671ef2f
Spice-Gtk-0.7.81 has been built up on current snapshot of git://anongit.freedesktop.org/spice/spice-gtk to obtain Spice-Gtk with usb redirection support working stable with Spice 0.10.0. Builds have been done on Ubuntu Precise and Oneiric as well.Packaged version version of Spice-Gtk-0.7.81 is built up on mentioned git repository. Running autogen.sh with exported environment variable NOCONFIGURE allows to perform it in one build per Debian’s Spice-Gtk-0.7-3 building schema, however requiring several updates to debian/control and debian/rules due to snapshots have to be done from current git tree.Upgrade version of Libvirt up to 0.9.7-2 allows to avoid using “qemu” command line (libvirt 0.9.2) and follow http://planet.spice-space.org/ update VM’s XML profile under /etc/libvirt/qemu/ as suggested in second blog entry of Hans de Goede.
Per Daniel Berrange: In the same way that SSH allows you to setup hostname aliases in $HOME/.ssh/config, libvirt will now allow you to setup URI aliases in $HOME/.libvirt/libvirt.conf (if you are running unprivileged) or /etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf (if you are running as root). NB do not confuse this file with libvirtd.conf which is a server side libvirtd daemon config file. Due to spice upgrade users should be able to run Spice server on 32-bit OS (Precise daily builds)
Qemu-kvm 0.15.1 & Spice(0.10.0) & Libvirt 0.9.7-2 USB Redirection support for Ubuntu Oneiric Link for Oneiric PPA.
Qemu-kvm 0.15.1 has been patched via top 28 commits from
Patches set for debian build may be generated as follows :
$ git clone git://people.freedesktop.org/~jwrdegoede/qemu
$ cd qemu
$ git checkout -B qemu-kvm-0.15.0-usbredir origin/qemu-kvm-0.15.0-usbredir
$ mkdir -p /tmp/patches
$ git format-patch -M -C --output-directory \
/tmp/patches ea2798c1ebe0c12d5feb7d7471a999ea0671ef2f
Qemu-kvm debian/rules contains:-
./configure \
--target-list="x86_64-softmmu i386-softmmu x86_64-linux-user i386-linux-user" \
--prefix=/usr \
--interp-prefix=/etc/qemu-binfmt/%M \
--disable-blobs \
--disable-strip \
--enable-spice \
--enable-usb-redir \
VirtFS support is available.
To install packages from PPA
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bderzhavets/spice-010
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu qemu-common \
spice-client seabios \
libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libusbredir libusbredir-dev \
libspice-protocol-dev libspice-server-dev \
libspice-client-glib-2.0-4 libspice-client-glib-2.0-dev \
libspice-client-gtk-2.0-1 libspice-client-gtk-2.0-dev \
libspice-client-gtk-3.0-1 libspice-client-gtk-3.0-dev \
python-spice-client-gtk spice-client-gtk \
gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0 \
gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-2.0 \
$ sudo groupadd libvirtd
$ sudo adduser $USER libvirtd
$ sudo apt-get install virtinst virt-manager virt-viewer
To start default network :-
sudo virsh net-start default
sudo virsh net-autostart default
You might have to disable apparmor profile for libvirtd :-
$ sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
$ sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd