UPDATE 09/03/2016
Undercloud VM gets created with AutoStart at boot up
in meantime.So just change permissions and allow services
to start on undercloud (5 min - 7 min )
Up on deployment completed
[stack@ServerTQS72 ~]$ virsh dominfo undercloud | grep -i autostart
Autostart: enable
UPDATE 08/21/216
In case when virt tools (virsh,virt-manger ) stop to recognise running
qemu-kvm of undercloud as VM issue `sudo shutdown -P now` via connection
`ssh -F /home/boris/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud`.
It will result graceful shutdown of undercloud's qemu-kvm process on VIRTHOST.
This post follows up http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/230814/index.html
and might work as timer saver unless status undecloud.qcow2 per
requires fresh installation to be done from scratch.
Current update allows to automate procedure via /etc/rc.d/rc.local and exports
in stack's shell variables which allow to start virt-manager right away , presuming that xhost+ was issued in root's shell.
Thus, we intend to survive VIRTHOST cold reboot (downtime) and keep previous version of undercloud VM been able to bring it up avoiding build via quickstart.sh and restart procedure from logging into undercloud and immediately run overcloud deployment. Proceed as follows :-
1. System shutdown
Cleanly commit :-
[stack@undercloud~] $ openstack stack delete overcloud
2. Login into VIRTHOST as stack and gracefully shutdown undercloud
[stack@ServerCentOS72 ~]$ virsh shutdown undercloud
Make following updates
[root@ServerTQS72 ~]# cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local
# Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure
# that this script will be executed during boot.
mkdir -p /run/user/1001
chown -R stack /run/user/1001
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
exit 0
chgrp -R stack /run/user/1001
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
In stack's .bashrc
[stack@ServerTQS72 ~]$ cat .bashrc
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:
# User specific aliases and functions
# Make sure XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set (used by libvirt
# for creating config and sockets for qemu:///session
# connections)
: ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:=/run/user/$(id -u)}
export DISPLAY=:0.0
export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
$ sudo su -
# xhost +
# su - stack
[stack@ServerTQS72 ~]$ virt-manager --connect qemu:///session
Start VM undercloud

Virt-tools misbehavior (UPDATE 08/21/16) . Six qemu-kvm are up and running
1. Undercloud
2. 3 Node HA Controller (Pacemaker/Corosync) cluster
3. 2 Compute Nodes (nested KVM enabled )
Log into undercloud from Ansible Server via :-
[boris@fedora24wks tripleo-quickstart]$ ssh -F /home/boris/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud
Deploy overcloud using old overcloud-deploy.sh
# Deploy the overcloud! openstack overcloud deploy \ --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \ --libvirt-type qemu --control-flavor oooq_control --compute-flavor oooq_compute \ --ceph-storage-flavor oooq_ceph --timeout 90 -\ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/net-single-nic-with-vlans.yaml \ -e $HOME/network-environment.yaml \ -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml \ --control-scale 3 --compute-scale 2 \ --neutron-network-type vxlan --neutron-tunnel-types vxlan --ntp-server pool.ntp.org \ ${DEPLOY_ENV_YAML:+-e $DEPLOY_ENV_YAML} "$@" || true # We don't always get a useful error code from the openstack deploy command, # so check `heat stack-list` for a CREATE_FAILED status. if heat stack-list | grep -q 'CREATE_FAILED'; then # get the failures list openstack stack failures list overcloud > failed_deployment_list.log || true # get any puppet related errors for failed in $(heat resource-list \ --nested-depth 5 overcloud | grep FAILED | grep 'StructuredDeployment ' | cut -d '|' -f3) do echo "heat deployment-show out put for deployment: $failed" >> failed_deployments.log echo "######################################################" >> failed_deployments.log heat deployment-show $failed >> failed_deployments.log echo "######################################################" >> failed_deployments.log echo "puppet standard error for deployment: $failed" >> failed_deployments.log echo "######################################################" >> failed_deployments.log # the sed part removes color codes from the text heat deployment-show $failed | jq -r .output_values.deploy_stderr | sed -r "s:\x1B\[[0-9;]*[mK]::g" >> failed_deployments.log echo "######################################################" >> failed_deployments.log done fi
[stack@undercloud ~]$ . stackrc
[stack@undercloud ~]$ nova list
+--------------------------------------+-------------------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------------+ | b6f105e8-3854-4939-99d9-73c16cf233fd | overcloud-controller-0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= | | 30979d6e-773b-4d79-9446-1cd25bade373 | overcloud-controller-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= | | 256627a8-2202-4986-86b6-8cd6e46c21db | overcloud-controller-2 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= | | 9dc029bf-b096-4be6-b5a3-14b39ac098a4 | overcloud-novacompute-0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= | | 16d0e195-c6a2-4286-a368-6fe9851ccd82 | overcloud-novacompute-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= | +--------------------------------------+-------------------------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------------+