Two KVMs have been created , each one having 2 virtual NICs (eth0,eth1) for
Controller && Compute Nodes setup. Before running `packstack --answer-file=twoNode-answer.txt` SELINUX set to permissive on both nodes.
Both eth1's assigned IPs from GRE Libvirts subnet before installation and set
to promiscuous mode (, ). Packstack bind to
public IP - eth0 , Compute Node
GRE Tunnel Support subnet:
After packstack 2 Node (Controller+Compute) IceHouse OVS&GRE setup :-
Controller && Compute Nodes setup. Before running `packstack --answer-file=twoNode-answer.txt` SELINUX set to permissive on both nodes.
Both eth1's assigned IPs from GRE Libvirts subnet before installation and set
to promiscuous mode (, ). Packstack bind to
public IP - eth0 , Compute Node
ANSWER FILE Two Node IceHouse Neutron OVS&GRE && Updated *.ini , *.conf files after packstack setup
Two Libvirt's subnet created on F20 KVM Sever to support installation
Public subnet :
GRE Tunnel Support subnet:
1. Create a new libvirt network (other than your default 198.162.x.x) file: $ cat openstackvms.xml
<network> <name>openstackvms</name> <uuid>d0e9964a-f91a-40c0-b769-a609aee41bf2</uuid> <forward mode='nat'> <nat> <port start='1024' end='65535'/> </nat> </forward> <bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0' /> <mac address='52:54:00:60:f8:6e'/> <ip address='' netmask=''> <dhcp> <range start='' end='' /> </dhcp> </ip> </network>
2. Define the above network: $ virsh net-define openstackvms.xml 3. Start the network and enable it for "autostart"
$ virsh net-start openstackvms $ virsh net-autostart openstackvms 4. List your libvirt networks to see if it reflects: $ virsh net-list Name State Autostart Persistent ---------------------------------------------------------- default active yes yes openstackvms active yes yes 5. Optionally, list your bridge devices: $ brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces virbr0 8000.5254003339b3 yes virbr0-nic virbr1 8000.52540060f86e yes virbr1-nic
After packstack 2 Node (Controller+Compute) IceHouse OVS&GRE setup :-