Saturday, September 26, 2015

Resize nova instances on RDO Liberty

During the resize process, the node where the instance is currently running will use SSH to connect to another compute node where the re-sized instance will live, and copy over the instance and associated files.
  Actually, there is an option to change this behavior and perform resize instance on the same compute node .
View :-
Just one notice it requires restart all nova services on Controller and
openstack-nova-compute on Compute Node.
Posting bellow presumes that there are at least 2 Compute nodes :-
There are a couple of assumptions which will be made:
  1. Nova and qemu user both have the same UID on all compute nodes
  2. The path for your instances is the same on all of your compute nodes

On Controller
Verify nova account has no any shell
  cat /etc/passwd | grep nova
In this case add /bin/bash to account "nova"
  usermod -s /bin/bash nova
Generate SSH key and Configuration
After doing this the next steps are all run as the nova user.
# su - nova
Now  to generate an SSH key:
$  ssh-keygen -t rsa

Save the key without a passphrase.

Next we need to configure SSH to not do host key verification,

$  cat << EOF > ~/.ssh/config 
>Host * 
>StrictHostKeyChecking no 

Next step is :-
$  cat ~/.ssh/ > .ssh/authorized_keys 
$  chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Then user nova creates tar ball to replicate it
between all Compute Nodes
# su - nova
$ id
$ pwd
$ tar -cvf  ssh.tar .ssh/*
# cd ~nova
# scp ssh.tar compute01:/var/lib/nova
# scp ssh.tar compute02:/var/lib/nova 
# ssh compute01
In other terminal
# ssh compute02
On Compute01 and Compute02
# usermod -s /bin/bash nova
# cd /var/lib/nova
# chown nova:nova ssh.tar
# su - nova 
$  ls -la 
$  tar -xvf ssh.tar

At this point :  You should be able ssh as "nova"  from contoller to compute01 , compute02 and between compute nodes without password prompt.
Compute nodes are trusting Controller and each other via account "nova"

Now run on Controller
[root@ip-192-169-142-127 ~(keystone_admin)]# . keystonerc_demo
[root@ip-192-169-142-127 ~(keystone_demo)]# nova list
| ID                                   | Name       | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                             |
| 64b84cb7-c249-4808-b16e-0071d4d288e8 | CirrOSDevs | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | demo_network=, |
| b6a9c438-3d7c-4f7e-aa4d-3ad47178eeac | VF22Devs15 | SHUTOFF | -          | Shutdown    | demo_network=, |
[root@ip-192-169-142-127 ~(keystone_demo)]# nova resize CirrOSDevs 2 --poll

Server resizing... 100% complete
[root@ip-192-169-142-127 ~(keystone_demo)]# nova list
| ID                                   | Name       | Status        | Task State | Power State | Networks                             |
| 64b84cb7-c249-4808-b16e-0071d4d288e8 | CirrOSDevs | VERIFY_RESIZE | -          | Running     | demo_network=, |
| b6a9c438-3d7c-4f7e-aa4d-3ad47178eeac | VF22Devs15 | SHUTOFF       | -          | Shutdown    | demo_network=, |
[root@ip-192-169-142-127 ~(keystone_demo)]# nova resize-confirm 64b84cb7-c249-4808-b16e-0071d4d288e8
[root@ip-192-169-142-127 ~(keystone_demo)]# nova list
| ID                                   | Name       | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                             |
| 64b84cb7-c249-4808-b16e-0071d4d288e8 | CirrOSDevs | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | demo_network=, |
| b6a9c438-3d7c-4f7e-aa4d-3ad47178eeac | VF22Devs15 | SHUTOFF | -          | Shutdown    | demo_network=, |