Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Virt-install Windows XP HVM on Solaris xVM (build 76)

Make sure you have selected "Solaris xVM" option from Grub menu and issue:-

# svcs -a | grep xvm

Four "xvm/xend" services should be in online state.
Next step is supposed to be : configuration the vnc password and
running "dladm show-link" to determine default nic for xend service.
The NIC must support the GLD v3
To determine if a NIC is GLDv3, run:

# dladm show-link

and look for links that are not of type 'legacy'

# svccfg -s xvm/xend setprop config/vncpasswd = astring: \"secret\"
# svccfg -s xvm/xend setprop config/vnc-listen = astring: \"\"
# svccfg -s xvm/xend setprop config/default-nic="rtls0"
# svcadm refresh xvm/xend
# svcadm restart xvm/xend

Use virt-install to install the windows domain.

# virt-install -n Winds --hvm -r 512 --vnc -f /second_root/dsk/winxp-dsk \
-s 7 -c /export/home/ISO/winxp.iso
# vncviewer :0

When text mode phase completed Windows HVM Guest system reboots the first time.
It causes path to installation ISO image to be lost by "virt-install" on Solaris xVM.
This "virt-install" behavior is considered to be normal.
To resolve the issue with Windows HVM rebooting behavior :-
1. Run "xm delete Windows-Domain-Name"
2. Restart "virt-install" with original command line

# virt-install -n Winds --hvm -r 512 --vnc -f /second_root/dsk/winxp-dsk \
-s 7 -c /export/home/ISO/winxp.iso

This action will successfully restart installation exactly at the point of failure :- entering second installation phase.
Second Windows HVM Guest system's reboot requires again VNC authorization and brings Windows HVM into running state.

Start Winds DomU at SNV76 Dom0 after installation:-

# xm start Winds
# vncviewer :0

Stop Winds DomU at SNV76 Dom0

# xm shutdown Winds

Uploaded by ftp from Solaris Dom0 to Windows DomU and got installed Real VNC 4.1 :-

VNC connect to SNV76 PVM running at the same Dom0:-

Connecting to Oracle instance running on SNV76 PVM:-

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Install Xvnc on Xen 3.1 SXDE 76 DomU at CentOS 5 Dom0 (64 bit)


It is high time that Solaris ships with a supported Xvnc binary. VNC is a widely-used remote desktop protocol and standard. Currently, Solaris users who wish to start a vnc server from the command line must seek out and download or compile their own binary from a 3rd party such as RealVNC, TightVNC, or UltraVNC.

Instead of integrating a 3rd party open source implementation based on outdated or insecure Xserver bits, we should leverage our own Xorg source and modify an existing Xorg VNC patch as needed.

Test these three common ways of configuring Xvnc to run:

1) Starting on demand from inetd, displaying dtlogin login screen:

# Enable XDMCP connections on dtlogin by removing "-udpport 0" from args
# Warning: restart will kill all current dtlogin sessions!
svccfg -s cde-login setprop 'dtlogin/args=""'
svcadm restart cde-login
# Add xvnc service to /etc/services if it isn't already
printf "vnc-server\t5900/tcp\t\t\t# VNC Server\n" >> /etc/services
# Enable Xvnc inetd service:
inetadm -e xvnc-inetd

Connect from another machine with:
vncviewer hostname:0
and verify you see the login screen and can login to a desktop session.

2) Starting at system boot from dtlogin, displaying dtlogin login screen:

# Add a display1 instance of x11-server service for configuration
# and configure it to run Xvnc
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server add display1
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server:display1 addpg options application
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server:display1 addpropvalue options/server astring: "/usr/X11/bin/Xvnc"
svccfg -s application/x11/x11-server:display1 addpropvalue options/server_args astring: '"SecurityTypes=None"'

# Configure dtlogin to start it
mkdir -p /etc/dt/config
cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/Xservers
echo " :1 Local local_uid@none root /usr/X11/bin/Xserver :1" >> /etc/dt/config/Xservers
pkill -HUP dtlogin

Connect from another machine with:
vncviewer hostname:1
and verify you see the login screen and can login to a desktop session.

3) Starting manually, displaying session of user who started it, requiring
VNC password (separate from Unix login password, not securely encoded on
disk or across the network, so don't use a valuable password):

/usr/bin/vncserver -httpd

From another machine, open a web browser and go to

(Assuming vncserver said it was starting on display :2 - if it listed
another display number, change :5802 to 5800 + the display id.)

Enter the password you provided to the vncserver script when it asked
and verify you see a simple desktop session in the viewer

Written by Alan Coopersmith (10/17/2007)

First set of instructions has been reproduced on SXDE 76 DomU at CentOS 5.0 Dom0

# svccfg -s cde-login setprop 'dtlogin/args=""'
# svcadm restart cde-login
# printf "vnc-server\t5900/tcp\t\t\t# VNC Server\n" >> /etc/services
# inetadm -e xvnc-inetd

Command "vncviewer <IP-address of Solaris DomU>:0" was issued from Linux Dom0 side.

Several snapshots follow bellow:-

Second set of instructions was reproduced as well:-

Sun Xvnc implementation on SXDE 76 DomU at SXDE 76 Dom0.

First option:-

Second option:-

VNC connections from remote Linux box for first option:-

VNC connections from remote Linux box for second option:-


Friday, November 16, 2007

Install SXDE 76 DomU on ZFS file system at SXDE 76 Dom0 (x86/x64)

Originally SXDE 76 has been installed on second partition of first 160 GB SATA
drive. First partition of this drive was used by Windows. Attempt to create third partition of type "Solaris2" by Solaris "fdisk" appeared to be useless for creating
ZFS pool on x86 system. "format" kept showing two SATA drives ( 2x160 GB)
been installed on PC at the time of assembling
As was suggested by Mike Dotson in ZFS Discussion forum at opensolaris.com
third partition created had type "Others OS" (size 20 GB).

ZFS pool has been created by command:-

# zpool create pool c1t0d0p3

Next :-

# zfs create -V 18G pool/snv76-disk

Keeping in mind 6612343 the fix for 6292092 and xvm dom0 not getting along

set softcall_delay=0x100000

line has been added to /etc/system.

Step above is important. Skipping it might cause unpredictable consequences
for SXDE 76 PVMs after reboot or shutdown
Then reboot box and run:-

# virt-install --name Snv76ZFS -–ram 1024 --nographics \
--file /dev/zvol/dsk/pool/snv76-disk \
--location /export/home/ISO/snv76x86.iso

Starting up DomU after it has been shutdown:-

Connecting to DomU after it has been rebooted:-

Cygwin/X remote Windows XP desktop has been used for Oracle installation on SXDE 76 DomU:-

Connections to Oracle instance running on Solaris 76 DomU from Solaris 76 Dom0:-

Friday, November 09, 2007

Install Oracle 11g on CentOS 5 DomU at CentOS 5 Dom0 (64 bit)

Posting bellow demonstrates how useful NFS shares may be at CentOS 5 Dom0
to manage DomUs driven by Xen 3.0.3 kernel coming along with original CentOS 5
distribution DVD. Oracle 11g installation has been selected just as an example.

CentOS 5 install has been performed with "Virtualization" (Xen 3.0.3)
ISO image of distribution DVD has been copied to hard drive and "loop"
mounted to /mnt/tmp directory exported as NFS share to perform
DomUs installs , extracting 6.2 GB of data from Dom0 NFS share to
DomU's LV storage due to intent to run Oracle 11g database on DomU.

# dd if=/dev/hde of=/etc/xen/disks/CentOS5.iso
# mkdir -p /mnt/tmp
# mount -o loop , ro /etc/xen/disks/CentOS5.iso /mnt/tmp

Line "/mnt/tmp" was added to file /etc/exports and "nfs" service restarted.
Then new physical volume was created for partition /dev/sdb10 (20 GB.)
Logical volumes group VolGroupPVM was assigned to this physical volume
and LV ImageData00 was created within VolGroupPVM of maximum available size utilizing LVM interface.

1.To install CentOS 5 DomU , at the command prompt ran: virt-install.
2.When asked to install a fully virtualized guest, answer: no.
3.Type RHEL5pvm for your virtual machine name.
4.Type 1000 for your RAM allocation.
5.Type /dev/VolGroupPVM/ImageData00 for disk (guest image).
6.Type yes to enable graphics support.
8.Type nfs:<IP address of Dom0>:/mnt/tmp for your install location.

PVM installation will run smoothly as usual CentOS 5 install.
I've selected to install everything except "Virtualization" and "Clusters"
to reduce trouble with RPM installs required by Oracle 11g.
The drawback of this approach is relatively large size of data extracted
to DomU's image storage (6.2 GB). However, in case of utilizing Dom0's
NFS share that wasn't an issue. Just 25 minutes for packages extracting phase.
PVM profile after install:-

Performed DomU tuning for Oracle 11g install as advised in [1] and started OUI from another NFS share at Dom0.

Restarted successfully built Oracle 11g databse:-

Then checked /dev/shm for Oracle's segments size and made several shapshots
of SGA and PGA charts (Automatic Memory Management)

Verified OS and CPU detection by Oracle 11g EM console:-

1. http://oracle-base.com

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Install CentOS 5 DomU on CentOS 5 Dom0(64 bit) from NFS share.

Article [1] silently presume that you have at least ADSL Internet connection
700 Kb/sec due to following instruction for virt-install command line utility:-

What is the name of your virtual machine? <-- vm01
How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? <-- 256
What would you like to use as the disk (path)? <-- /vm/vm01.img
How large would you like the disk (/vm/vm01.img) to be (in gigabytes)? <-- 4
Would you like to enable graphics support? (yes or no) <-- no
What is the install location? <-- http://wftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/centos/5.0/os/i386

You might need to install from the Net to your hard drive up to 4 GB of data.
Once you don’t have fast enough internet connection extracting data to your system might take very long time.
However, there is pretty simple way to create CentOS 5 PVM managed by Xen 3.0.3 coming with original distribution DVD. Of course it won’t be perfect, because it’s a bit outdated. Once again, if you'll use in the same way RHEL 5.1 (Beta 2)
RHEL 5.1 PVM will be driven by the most recent Xen version coming along with RHEL 5.1 and everything will become up to date immediately.

Perform CentOS 5 install with "Virtualization"
Insert your CentOS 5 DVD in the drive.
Run "df -h" to find out what mount point is.
Suppose, it is /dev/hde

# dd if=/dev/hde of=/etc/xen/disks/CentOS5.iso
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/etc/xen/images/CentOS5.img bs=1024k count=12000
# mkdir -p /mnt/tmp
# mount -o loop , ro /etc/xen/disks/CentOS5.iso /mnt/tmp

Edit /etc/exports and add the line:-
Restart Service "nfsd"

1.To install your CentOS 5 DomU , at the command prompt type: virt-install.
2.When asked to install a fully virtualized guest, type: no.
3.Type CentOS5pv for your virtual machine name.
4.Type 1000 for your RAM allocation.
5.Type /etc/xen/images/CentOS5.img for your disk (guest image).
6.Type 12000 for the size of your disk (guest image).
7.Type yes to enable graphics support.
8.Type nfs:<IP address of Dom0>:/mnt/tmp for your install location.
The installation begins. Proceed as normal with the installation


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Cygwin/X install Oracle on OpenSolaris (build 75a) DomU at Linux Dom0 (64 bit)

Starting with Solaris Express build 75(75a) xVM/Xen are included as a standard part of Solaris Express for x86/x64. Oracle's installation procedure
seems to be a kind of evaluation performance and reliability for
next generation Solaris Xen Drops running as DomUs on top of Linux Dom 0.
Preferably CentOS 5 (RHEL 5) or Debian Etch 4.X.
Remote Oracle install has been performed due to ongoing issue with
setting up VNC on OpenSolaris (75a) DomUs at Linux Dom0

Installing the Cygwin/X X Window System per Jason Liu (University of Minnesota)

Obtaining the Installation Executable
1. Go to http://www.cygwin.com/.
2. Click on the navigation link to go to the “Cygwin/X Home.”
3. Somewhere on the main content of the Cygwin/X home page, there should be a Cygwin icon with the caption “Install Cygwin/X now.” Click on the link.
4. You will be prompted by your browser whether to open the file or save it. Choose to save the file, and save it to somewhere convenient, such as on your Desktop. You will delete this executable file after you are finished with the installation.
5. Double-click on the “setup.exe” that you just saved to start the installation process.
Installing Cygwin/X
1. The initial introduction dialog box for the Cygwin Setup will appear. Simply click the “Next >” button.
2. The next screen will ask you to Choose a Download Source. Make sure the “Install from Internet” choice is selected, and click the “Next >” button.
3. Now, you will be asked to Select Root Install Directory. The root directory should be something like “C:\cygwin” or “C:\Cygwin”. It is best to keep the root directory here.1 You should also decide whether to install Cygwin/X for all users, or just yourself. However, it is best to leave the Default Text File Type as “Unix / binary”. Click the “Next >” button.
4. The next dialog box will as for you to Select Local Package Directory. It is recommended that you choose the same location as where you saved the “setup.exe” installation executable, because you will be deleting this local package directory after you finish installing Cygwin/X. Click the “Next >” button.
5. At the screen titled Select Your Internet Connection, the default setting of “Direct Connection” should be fine, unless you use HTTP Proxies on your computer (most computers do not use proxies). Simply click the “Next >” button.
6. The next screen will ask you to Choose A Download Site. Choose one which seems to be reasonably close (i.e. in North America) — for instance, you probably will not want to choose any sites which end in .de or .au, as these websites are located in Germany and Australia, respectively. (Usually, the planetmirror.com site is reasonably fast. It should be near the bottom of the list.) Then, click the “Next >” button.
7. Now you will be prompted to Select Packages that you want to install as a part of Cygwin/X. This is quite possibly the most important step, as it determines how Cygwin/X will function. The instructions provided here will give you a minimal fully functioning Cygwin/X X server. Note that if you can also repeated click on
the circular double-arrow symbol next to the “Default” text (located next to each category name) in order to cycle through the four choices of “Default”, “Install”, “Reinstall”, and “Uninstall”. In general, you should leave the setting at “Default” and choose the packages individually.2
a. Click on the @ symbol next to the X11 category to expand it. Scroll down to the package that is called xorg-x11-base. Click the circular double-arrow symbol next it once3 so that the text changes from “Skip” to a version number. Note that if there are other packages that are directly related, they will automatically be selected as well. After selecting the package, click the @ symbol next to the X11 category to collapse the category back down.
b. Expand the Net category. Select the openssh package – this will allow you to run things like the SSH client and SFTP client.
c. Click on the @ symbol next to the Editors category to expand it. Choose a text editor that you are familiar with in case you wish to edit some of your Cygwin/X configuration files after installation. All of these text editors are the same as ones that you would find on most UNIX or Linux machines. Some popular choices include VIM, Emacs, X-Emacs, or N-Edit. Choose the text editor(s) that you wish to install, then click the @ symbol next to the Editors category to collapse the category back down.
While the above are the minimal packages that should be selected in order to have Cygwin/X run properly, you can see that there are many other optional packages that can be installed with CygwinX. The selection of these additional packages is not strictly needed, and is beyond the scope of this document. When you are finished selecting all of the packages that you wish to install as a part of Cygwin/X, click on the “Next >” button to begin the automated installation.
8. Now, you simply wait for Cygwin/X to install. First, compressed versions of all of the packages that you selected will downloaded to a Windows folder that you chose to be your Local Packages Directory. Then, the packages will be uncompressed and installed. When the installation is complete, you will get a dialog box that asks whether you would like to install a desktop icon and Start menu icon — the check boxes are selected by default. Simply click the “OK” button, and the next dialog box that pops up says “Installation Complete!” Simply click the “OK” button. Now you are ready to run Cygwin/X. However, there is one thing that should be done manually to make running the X Windows System as easy as possible.

Install OpenSolaris (75a) DomU at Linux Dom0 has been done exactly as in [1].
Tuning OpenSolaris (75a) DomU for Oracle installation procedure performed
as usual. View [2] for example.

1. Start X11 Server on remote Windows XP desktop
and issue in X-Window:-

# xhost +<IP address of OpenSolaris DomU>
# ssh oracle@<IP address of OpenSolaris DomU>
[oracle@ServerSNV75A]$ export DISPLAY=<IP address of Windows XP desktop>:0.0
[oracle@ServerSNV75A]$ cd /Install/database
[oracle@ServerSNV75A]$ ./runInstaller &

Another option is to enable ssh "X11 forwarding" on OpenSolaris DomU by
editing /etc/ssh/ssh_config:-

ForwardX11 yes

and running

# svcadm restart network/ssh:default

Then issue in X-Window at Cygwin/X desktop:-

# xhost +<IP address of OpenSolaris DomU>
# ssh -X oracle@<IP address of OpenSolaris DomU>
[oracle@ServerSNV75A]$ cd /Install/database
[oracle@ServerSNV75A]$ ./runInstaller &

In this case you don't have to export DISPLAY environment variable.

Restart Installer in advanced mode and select "Install Database Software Only" option:-

Run "dbca" and create database:-

Run "netca" to create LISTENER and perform Local Net Service Name Configuration:-

Next run on Soalaris DomU:-

[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ vi /var/opt/oracle/oratab
To replace "N" by "Y" at the end unique entry line
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ emctl stop dbconsole
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ dbshut
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ lsnrctl stop
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ lsnrctl start
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ dbstart
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ isqlplusctl start
[oracle@SolarisSNV75A]$ emctl start dbconsole

Solaris (SNV 75a) console during Installer run:-

Solaris (SNV 75a) console during "DBCA" run:-

OS detection by Oracle Enterprise Manager Console running at Linux Dom0 side:-

1.Install Xen 3.1 Solaris domU (64 bit) under CentOS 5 dom0 (64 bit)
